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<page pageid="185" ns="0" title="Resultados 2010">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve"><big>'''Torneo Mensa de juegos inteligentes, resultados de la edición del 2010'''</big>
== Ganadores del torneo multijuego ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Oscar Gardiazabal Carral
|- style="background: Ivory"
|jordi vilasetrú
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Ian Andoni Magarzo Fernández
== Ganadores del juego de rol ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|Maria Durban Sala
|Montserrat Llaurad&oacute; Agust&iacute;
|David Pujades Costafreda
|Jordi Reixach Fain&eacute;
== Ganadores del quiz ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|Carlos Cejudo Boneu
|Elena Sanz
|Jordi Vilasetr&uacute;
|Kai Schittenhelm
== Juegos mas populares ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|+<h2>Por partidas jugadas</h2>
|<strong>Nro. partidas</strong>
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Puerto Rico
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Colonos de Catan
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Alta tensión
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Pilares de la Tierra
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Aventureros al tren
|- style="background: Ivory"
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|+<h2>N&uacute;mero total de jugadores</h2>
|<strong>Nro. jugadores</strong>
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Puerto Rico
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Colonos de Catan
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Alta tensión
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Aventureros al tren
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Pilares de la Tierra
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
== Partidas jugadas en el torneo multijuego ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" width="60%"
|- align="center" style="background:PaleGreen"
|<strong>Nro. participantes</strong>
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Puerto Rico
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Aventureros al tren
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Puerto Rico
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Jungle Speed
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Pilares de la Tierra
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Colonos de Catan
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Alta tensión
|- style="background: Ivory"
|Colonos de Catan
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
|- style="background: Ivory"
[[Categoría:Torneo 2010]]</rev>
<page pageid="175" ns="0" title="Revista de prensa">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Estos son los medios que han hablado del Torneo Mensa de juegos inteligentes
== Edición del 2010 ==
'''Referencias en medios online:'''
[ ADN (15/febrero/2010)]
[ ABC (15/febrero/2010)]
[ ABC (6/marzo/2010)]
[ La verdad (6/marzo/2010)]
'''Notas de prensa escaneadas'''
Diario Segre, número del 7 de marzo del 2010